
まいにちの せいかつ

まいあさ はちじに おきます。あさごはんをたべませ。ごぜん くじさんじゅうごふんに じゅぎょうがあります。ひろごはんをたべますません。さんじに へやに かえります。しゅくだいをします。ばん じゅういちに シヤワーをあびます。ごぜんいちに ねます。

I do a lot more during the day but don't know how to say them yet haha. But I can not wait to learn those phrases.  Needless to say I am loving Japanese class despite how challenging it is for me but I know it will all be worth it. 

5 件のコメント:

  1. ひるごはんを たべませんか? so, you do not eat lunch? だいじょうぶですか?

  2. Haha, I get the feeling that みな will have homework, sleep, and eat on their daily routine. And I agree with the worthness of this class, though it took me like twenty minutes to decipher your three line paragraph, ah no.

  3. Definitely agree. ぼくもあさごはんのたべません。Never have time

  4. あさごはんとひろごはんをたべませんか? You must be very hungry at dinner...

  5. コメントは英語(えいご)でなんといいますか。
